CTGS: Cancer Target Gene Screening
Personalized cancer target gene screening method based on analysis of public genomic data of gene alterations, interactions, and survivals
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CTGS (Cancer Target Gene Screening), a web application for rapid and user-friendly analysis of multi-omics datasets from the massive amount of primary breast tumors. Genomic and epigenomic aberrations, transcriptomic profiles, correlations between two layes of omics data, and survival analysis can be explored.
For details on how to use, please go to User guide.
CTGS provides following 3 main functions
Data visualization
Public cancer genome dataset data visualization. Clinical information, Copy-number alteration, Mutation, mRNA expression, DNA methylation data visualized.
Survival analysis
Survival analysis by genomic alteration, gene expression, methylation. It also generates genome-wide survival analysis result.
Target gene screening
Suggestion of target gene by amplification or DNA methylation. It considers cancer association and alteration ratio, survival significance.
For more details, you can see these in Feature page.